Table of Contents

Course Syllabus

Build a Business for the Modern World and Join a Community of Bright Entrepreneurs.

The Bright Business Program is designed in bite-sized learning modules based on visual thinking and brainstorming.

Course Outcomes

  1. Understand what the Bright Business Model is: using bright thinking to create new businesses or to reshape the existing business model.
  2. Understand the bright business entrepreneurs’ critical mindsets: uniting the Purpose and the business model to create and deliver products with minimum resources.
  3. Learn to use the Bright Business Diagram, Inner-Leadership Matrix, Product-Customer Matrix, and Business Model Matrix to visualize and understand how the business components interact.
  4. Learn about our unique method to build an accountable action plan.

Course Subjects

  • Business Paradigm
  • Inner-Leadership
  • Validate Solution/Customer Matrix
  • Bright Business Model
  • Power of Community




A map for the business journey. A unique method to navigate the journey.

Course Themes

THE JOURNEY: The Program is structured into four sections (journeys): 1. Bright Mind Entrepreneur→ 2. Bright Leader→ 3. Solution→ 4. Bright Business Model. We’ll set OKRs (Objectives and Key Results), build an Accountable Action Plan, and measure the results.

THE METHOD: We’ll approach each topic of the journey using Critical, Analytical, Creative, and Visual Thinking to frame the Challenge (WHY), find the most efficient Solution (WHAT), and craft a Method/Algorithm (HOW) to generate the most efficient Action Plan. We design a sequence of decisions and actions that move you from your Current State to your Future State with minimum resources in a limited amount of time.

The Bright Business Model is a complete business training program. You can join anytime and be part of the Bright Community for as long as you want.



Section 1:
Bright Mind Entrepreneur

Frame your Life-Business Paradigm.

Section Outcomes

  1. Find the Why behind the What to improve the How.
  2. Find your Purpose. 
  3. Build your Bright Business Venn Diagram to balance the purpose, leadership, solution and business.
  4. Frame your business paradigm. 

3 Lessons

Lesson 1Bright Mind

The main characteristic of a bright mind is cognitive flexibility. This ability promotes a greater degree of inquisitiveness, curiosity, motivation, exploration, and innovation. As a result, bright-mind thinking is more creative, inventive, and generates new ideas and deeper understanding of life.

Lesson 2 – Bright Business Venn Diagram 

and “The power of IKIGAI” (to live with reason)

Lesson 3 – Frame your Business Paradigm


2 Assignments

  1. Write your business paradigm and validate if you are in the right business. 
  2. Build your bright business diagram to see how you can balance the four elements to reach something more significant than money.  

4 Discussions

  1. What is the shift from the old to the new business-life paradigm?
  2. Name a company with a strong Purpose that you love? Why?
  3. Are you skeptical about a corporation’s purpose, mission, vision, and values? Why?
  4. How can bright small enterprises shift from the old business paradigm toward a more meaningful economic model? 

Project Challenge:

Using the Bright Business Venn Diagram, frame your life-business paradigm around the keyword Purpose.



Section 2:

Manage the Internal and External Matrices to build your Leadership Manual.

Section Outcomes

  1. Build a clear path from the Current State to the Future State.
  2. Organize the data into a flow of decisional matrices to help you move from the Current State to the Future State with minimum resources and a limited amount of time.
  3. Understand who you are, what you want, and how you’ll get it.
  4. Evaluate and manage the external matrix (environment) to help you thrive.  

3 Lessons

 Lesson 1 – Fundamentals

  1. From the Current State to the Future State: Eight-Step Process:
  2. The Power of Paradigm
  3. The Power of Goal
  4. The Power of Words
  5. The Power of Big Data
  6. The Power of Matrix Thinking – Build your first Matrix: Drive and Business

Lesson 2 – Inner Matrix

Balance “Having” and “Being”

Lesson 3 – External Matrix

Observe the “Action-Reaction” Matrix and the  “You and the Environment” Matrix

2 Assignments

Assignment 1

1. Evaluate your personal resources, talents, skills, and flaws.
2. Manage available resources to reach the goal with minimum effort in a limited amount of time.
3. Find the balance between having and being.

Assignment 2

Position yourself in the socio-cultural matrix and define reality on your own terms. Analyze the whole network of influencers from an objective perspective, as a detached observer.

Assignment 3

Write an Action Plan with all tasks to be done to build your Inner-Leadership Manual.

3 Discussions

  1. How to balance “Having” and ” Being.”
  2. Focus on Being first? Focus on Having first?
  3. Solve the dilemma Rich but Poor, Poor but Rich

Project Challenge:

Write an Action Plan with all the tasks that need to be done to build your Inner-Leadership Manual.



Section 3:
Solution​ Matrix

You have a solution for a problem, and now you believe that prospects are ready to use it. You assume that they are willing to shift from an existing supplier, product, or service provider to you. Let’s explore the “Why”?

Section Outcomes

  1.  Design a Concept based on your purpose, personal challenges, and Prospect’s pain/need
  2.  Understand your customer and their need (pain)
  3.  Connect your Concept with prospects and validate if they are willing to pay for your Product.

4 Lessons

Lesson 1 – Your Purpose. Your Solution. Your Business.


  1. “Eureka” Moments
  2. The Story
  3. Improve. Innovate. Disrupt—verticals of Value Disruption
  4. Explore the Product/Customer Matrix: Product Features, Benefits, Flaws, and Customer Expectations
  5. Customer and Business Spiral
  6. Customer’s Pain Points
  7. Your Solution; the “pain relief.”

Lesson 2 – Concept Validation
Lesson 3 – Customer Validation
Lesson 4 – Product Validation

3 Assignments

A solution does not just happen.

(1) You analyze the problem (2) You analyze the pain relief/solution you propose (3) You have a period of incubation while you struggle to come up with a solution (4) “Eureka!” A viable solution is coming out of nowhere.
(Q1) What is your Eureka moment?
(Q2) What is your Story?
  2. Measure the Pain of your Prospects
(Q1) Does your prospect need your help?
(Q2) Are you addressing the solution to the right person?
  3. Measure the need for your Product
(Q1) Are your prospects ready to pay the price you ask for your product?

4 Discussions

  1. What is your “Eureka moment”
  2. What is the story behind your business?
  3. Describe your Customer Persona: User, Buyer, Banker
  4. Validate the concept, customer, and product.

Project Challenge:

Build the Perfect Product.
The most challenging part for a start-up is to create a perfect, dying-to-have product from the very beginning. In reality, the first reason businesses fail is because there is no need for the Product. To avoid the pain of failure, your Product should pass three stages (1) Validate the market need. Are prospects willing to pay for it? (2) Develop the MVP (minimum viable Product) to validate the Product and see what should be improved (3) Develop the MMK (minimum marketable Product) a product close to the final version.



Section 4:
Bright Business Matrix

The Journey. The Customers. The Business Matrix.

Section Outcomes

  1. You’ll build and validate 12 Matrices (at least one matrix for each element of the Business Matrix).
  2. Build your first matrix
  3. Use the “Art of Archery” (Kyudo) to craft an Action Plan for every component of the Business Matrix.
  4. Measure the results.

7 Lessons

Lesson 1 – Fundamentals 


  1. The Journey from Current State to Future State
  2. GRM – Goal Roadmap 
  3. Business-Customer Sequence Diagram (BCSD)  
  4. Improve. Disrupt. Innovate
  5. Decisions and Actions 
  6. The Power of the Matrix
  7. Sequential Decision Spiral 
  8. The “Art of Archery” metaphor – use the power of matrix to build and execute an accountable action plan

Lesson 2 – Business Matrix

How does your business create, offer, and monetize the value? How does your company make money and keep the purpose at the core of the business matrix? 


  1. The Product (see Section 3) 
  2. Your Business Journey 
  3. What is your Business Model?
  4. What is the Business Matrix
  5. Business Matrix Dynamics – Bottleneck. Innovation. Disruption. 
  6. Business Matrix – Internal and external factors of influence

Lesson 3 Business Matrix Panel 1 – How you create value: Product, Monetization, and Resources.


  1. Product Matrix: Supply Chain, Warehouse Management, Production flow, Delivery. 

The Dynamics: Internal and External factors of influence and Variables

Product Matrix Flow. 

Sample of works: 

Current State: You have a valid product (from section 3).

Future State: You want a deliverable product.

Critical Points 1 and 2 (CP): CP 1 – Supply Chain and Production Flow, CP2 – Delivery. Here you can build multiple matrices for a more elaborate action plan. 

Center Point: You 

Validate the Matrix: What can happen if you do not control one of the CP?

Dilemma: Which CP is first? 

Action Plan: Write all the tasks needed to reach the objectives and the main goal.

  1. Monetization Matrix. Price Matrix. How do you monetize the value?
  2. Internal and External Resources Matrix. 

Lesson 4 – Business Matrix Panel 2 – Branding, Marketing, Sales


Branding Matrix: Humanize your Brand.

Marketing Matrix: Customer’s Journey and Behavior. Communication Strategy. Lead Generation Circle. 

Sales Matrix: Lead: Lead Conversion Circle. 

Lesson 5 – Business Matrix Panel 3 – KPIs


  1. Customer satisfaction
  2. Business KPIs
  3. Purpose Satisfaction

Lesson 6 – Business Matrix Panel 4 – Next level


  1. Scale
  2. Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)
  3. Franchise

Lesson 7 – The Power of Network and the Bright Business Community

2 Assignments

Write 10 Action Plans. One for each element of the matrix.


We’ll discuss each element of the matrix and brainstorm solutions to improve participants existing business models.

Project Challenge:

Build a Bright Business Model and a Master Action Plan.


Download the Bright Business Riverside Workbook

Are you ready to start your own business? Trying to turn your hobby and passion into an income source? Or are you an existing business owner trying to reshape your business?

Regardless of your situation, this FREE workshop and workbook is the most comprehensive and coherent solution to learn how to design a purpose-driven business!

A successful modern business model needs forward-thinking and strategies to minimize initial risks, control the entire business journey, and leave room for future growth.

The workbook will be your loyal companion, and along with our Free Workshop, it will help you design a purpose-driven business.

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