Bright Business Program: Ongoing Business Improvement Program - 90 Minutes Free Discovery Class

Learn How to Continuously Build a Purpose-Driven Business, Exponentially Increase the Value of the Business, and Live a Meaningful Life  Without Random Actions

We’ve Helped Over 100+ Clients design their successful purpose-driven business.

Enroll to Learn How.

Success Story: The personalized framework and unique approach helped a bankrupt business pivot the business model and turn into a success story that disrupted the Well-Being industry here in Southern California. Using our method, the company grew the value to 7 digits in less than a year — Enroll to Learn How.

Florin Diumea

Hi, I’m Florin Diumea,

I'm a veteran entrepreneur and creator of the Bright Business Model and 2x2 Design Thinking Matrix. The Bright Business Model is packed with intelligent business improvement strategies that enable you to transform your business from simply operating into a thriving purpose-driven thriving business and positive force of change.

Purpose-Driven Companies Grow 3x Faster...

Purpose-driven companies witness higher market share gains and grow three times faster on average than their competitors, all while achieving higher workforce and customer satisfaction.

On This 90-Minute Training, You'll Learn...

How use the power of PURPOSE to permanently change your life, your business, and the impact you leave on the world

The exact methodology that we’ve successfully used to help over 100+ clients start or pivot to a PURPOSE-DRIVEN BUSINESS and accelerate the business growth

How to use our framework to FOCUS WHAT MATTERS and exactly solve the root cause of the problem, not the symptoms of the wrong problems

How to build your INNER-LEADERSHIP manual to successfully manage the challenges of  the business journey

How to STRATEGIZE your business journey and move from the Current State to the Future State with minimum resources in a limited amount of time.

Case studies of successful bright business clients from all walks of life and backgrounds who have successfully implemented these strategies to start their purpose-driven business and change the trajectory of their lives, their businesses, and their legacy

How an Ongoing Business Improvement Program And a Community of Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurs It Will Help You Continuously Thrive. 


Bright Business Program

Key Details -
Bright Business Model
Discovery Class


Jan. 17, 2023

Time PST

9:00 AM - 11.30 AM


90 Minutes


Main Library, Riverside, CA



200 Voucher Bright Business Program

The First 10 Participants
Will Receive a $ 200 Voucher for the
"4-Month Intensive Learning Program"

The Free Discovery Class will cover topics from Bright Business Model Workbook — The only book you'll need to improve your business and strategically live a meaningful life..

What the 57-Minute Discovery Class is About

Explore the 6 Topics every business owner should master

Challenge the Existing Business Paradigm

What do you and your business stand up for? Elevate your mindset and position your Purpose at the core of the business. Use the Bright Business Model: Purpose → Business → People → Environment → Profit →  Meaningful Life.

Use the Power of Matrix to Focus on What Matters

Business is a journey from the Current State to the Future State  that requires decisions and actions aligned toward your goals. You’ll use the power of matrix to focus on what matter and build an accountable action plan.

Use the Solution Matrix to Create Valid Products

You’re not selling a product; you’re delivering an experience and solving a pain. Learn how to use the Solution Matrix and the canvas to innovate, disrupt the market, and continuously improve the customer experience.

Write Your
Inner-Leadership Manual

Businesses do not fail. Leaders do. Connect with your Inner-Leader. Understand and control the Inner Matrix, the environment (External Matrix), and build your Personal Belief System (PBS).

Design and Control Your Business Vehicle

Solve the root of the real problem, not the symptoms controlling the business structure. Understand the business components’ connectivity and the system’s dynamic to make efficient decisions at the right time.

Control Your Communication Strategy

Branding, Marketing, and Sales are part of the business communication strategy. You’ll learn how to use the Lead Generation and Conversion Cycles to deliver the right message at the right time to the right people.


What our Graduates say About us.

This workshop and the Bright Business Methodology is perfectly fit to help businesses find their purpose and augment, enhance or clarify their plan. Being a part of the initial cohort is a privilege. As a business owner and leader of people I am always seeking out news ways to sharpen the saw. The Bright Business workshop and curriculum provides exactly what I need!

Awesome Instructor and an awesome class with beautiful individuals taking this course. Although my physical condition hindered me I could not have asked for a better instructor than Florin Diumea. 5 stars

Florin has created an amazing program to help people create purpose-driven businesses. I've learned so much attending his course! I had no idea what I didn't know until I came to his class. Everyone who wants to open a business or wants to improve their business or wants to get more involved with their community would greatly benefit from using Florin's Bright Business Model. I would definitely recommend Brsiness!

Excellent course!! Easy to understand and very interactive, as a small business owner it’s hard to find classes where you can understand the terminology used, Florin goes above and beyond to make sure everyone understands the concept. Thank you so much for what you do!!

Class Content

This  is a 90 minutes general presentation of the Bright Business Model and the Program. At the end of the class you can onboard in a 4 Moth Intensive Learning Program – Bright Business Program.


Section 1. Intro

  1. The Story behind the Bright Business Model and the Program
  2. Why Businesses fail?
  3. How this program can help. Why You should join the program?

Section 2. Method: Concept,  Metaphor, Tools, Process.


  • Bright Entrepreneurs: Aware, Adapt, Confident
  • Bright Vs. Dark Entrepreneurs
  • The new Business Paradigm
  • 5 Focus points of a Bright Entrepreneur
  • Impact of Bright Thinking on your business

Metaphor – Journey

  1. Journey 1: From “Me Having to Me Being More” and From “Me to Us Being More”
  2. Journey 2: From the Current State to the Future State. You are a bright entrepreneur and an explorer beyond profit (money is just a resource, not the final destination).  

Tools: 2×2 Design Thinking Matrix (2×2 DTM), Action-reaction Diagram (ARD)

  1. 2×2 Design Thinking Matrix (DTM) Design, Critical, and Visual Thinking
  2. 5 Questions that holds the Matrix: WHY, WHERE/WHEN, HOW, WHAT, WHO
  3. Elements of the Matrix: Current State, Future State, Passive Thinking point, Active Thinking Point, Holder.
  4. Validate the Matrix
  5. Examples of matrices: Having-Being, Business System-Drive, Product-Sales
  6. 2×2 DTM is the BRICK to build the business environment
  7. 2×2 DTM is the COMPASS to help you navigate from CS to the FS with minimum resources in a limited amount of time.
  8. 2×2 DTM hands-on practice to build an accountable Action Plan.
  9. Canvases and Visual Thinking — capture the actual complexity and the dynamic of the business elements within the business and the impact of the external factors.
  10. Explore “The Sequence of Matrices” and learn how to prioritize your decisions and actions to build a winning decisional algorithm. 

The Process

  1. Find and position the elements of the matrix in place: Current State, Future State, Passive Thinking Point, Active Thinking Point, and the User of the Matrix.
  2. Use the canvas as a visual tool explore the best option to improve, innovate, disrupt an existing situation.
  3. Validate the options: doable, important, and urgent.
  4. Prioritize and build a sequence of actions and decisions.
  5. Use the Matrix to build the SMART action plan.


Section 3. Topics, Matrices, Canvases, and Action Plans

  1. Purpose Matrix
  2. Inner-Leadership Matrix
  3. Solution Matrix
  4. Business Matrix
  5. Marketing Matrix

Section 4. The Closing Session

  1. Q&A Session
  2. Enroll in the 4-Month Bright Business Program; only 20 seats are available.

This course is presented online or in-person, in collaboration with a Bright Business facilitator. The goal of the class is help busy entrepreneurs learn how to move from the Current State to the Future State with minimum resources in a limited amount of time.

In 90 minutes we can deliver only a limited amount of information, so if you see value for your business you are welcome to join a 4-Month Intensive Learning Program — Bright Business Program. 

Step 1: Join a Discovery Class

Bright Business Model – Discovery Class cover the topics of the model delivering hands-on tools to improve your business model. 

Step 2: Bright Business Program – 4-Month Intensive Learning Program. The program is delivered  Online or In-Person.

At the end of the Discovery Class you are invited to join an intensive learning program with 8 classes, 2 hours each class and graduation event. 

Step 3: Mastermind Group.

After the graduation of the 4-month program you can join the mastermind group.


Bright Business Model — 3 Easy Step Process to build a thriving business and a meaningful life without burnout and confusion.

Validate the Concept. Use the Metaphor to set the Journey. Use the Toolkit to build your Strategy. Follow the Three-Step Process to elaborate an algorithm and an efficient action plan with ease. ​

Focus on what matter! Build a 2×2 Design Thinking Matrix for YOUR business to set the focus points.

Based on your own 2×2 DTM… design, plan, and strategize, using the Bright Business Model Canvases and the Toolkit

Build an efficient action plan that will help improve innovate, and disrupt with minimum resources invested in the shortest time possible.

Enrollment is limited to only the first 50 participants for the best training experience possible.

Exponentially Increase the Value of the Business and Live a Meaningful Life Focusing on What Matters Without Random Actions

Florin Diumea

Host Florin Diumea

Join Bright Business Program – Free Discovery Class

We've Helped 100+ Clients To Build Thriving Businesses And Live Meaningful Lives.
Learn How.

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