INNER LEADERSHIP – Businesses Do Not Fail. Leaders Do.

To shape the purpose-centered business into a lucrative and profitable venture, you need to control the most valuable resource: YOU—the Inner-Leader.

Control the Power of Paradigm

Define your personal and business framework or ‘paradigm’ and control the game. Business paradigm is not about ‘having more’ is about ‘being more’. Business is a journey to find the real you, with money as a resource, not a destination.

Old Paradigm

Business = Profit=Money = Happy

New Paradigm

Business= Journey = Achievement

Old paradigm trap: You get stuck in a business – money – happiness loop. Remember, you don’t start a business for the money to buy dreams. You start a business to bring a dream to life.

You don’t need a business to make money and buy “dreams.” You need to find a profound dream, a purpose to bring a business to life. The business shouldn’t be a competition for “having more” but a journey for “being more” at the final destination.

Control the Inner Matrix – #Balance

Our goal is to help you manage available resources in the best possible way. You will understand how the relation between “HAVING” and “BEING” can help you work with limited resources and keep your balance in life.

Inner-Leadership / Internal Matrix

Control the Inner-Matrix with the following steps:
Step 1. Current State –
Where are you now?
Step 2. Future State – What do you want to reach and when (your end goal) Step 3. Personal Resources

Skills, Connections: As an entrepreneur, you are on a journey to explore and conquer the “World of Business.” In the beginning, you have a limited amount of vital resources: TIME, MONEY, PEOPLE, and KNOWLEDGE

Step 5. Challenges

List all personal challenges that can ruin your business venture. Step 5. 1 Being More – Wants
List all the “I want to be.”
Step 5. 2 Being More – To-dos

List all the “I have to do in order to be more.” Step 6. 1 Having More – Wants
List all the “I want to have.”
Step 6. 2 Having More – To-dos

List all the “I have to do in order to have more.”
Step 7. 1 Being More – Action Plan
List all the specific tasks you have to accomplish and decisions you have to take. Step 7. 2 Having More – Action Plan
List all the specific tasks you have to accomplish and decisions you have to take.

Inner Matrix Canvas

Control the External Matrix – #Observer

Position yourself in socio-cultural-matrix and define the reality according your own terms. Analyze the whole network of influencers from a very objective perspective, a detached observer.

Bright Business Model - Innerl-Leadership - External Matrix
Inner-Leadership / External Matrix

S1. You and the Environment


Set your goal and shift from a fake reality full with drama, reactions at decisions of others and stars following. Take action to rich your destination. You have two options: (1) Use influencers to rich your goals (2) Influencers will use you to rich theirs goals and reality.

S2. Zoom in

Revisit your life goals and align your personal aspirations with the reality. Answer the threee questions:
1. Who am I?
2. What I really want? What I stand up for?
3. How I get what I want?

S3. Zoom out


Factors of influence are factors of change. We all need to cope with change. The challenge is to see the real changing vectors.

List all the factor of influence.

Write your Inner-Leadership Manual

The canvas helps us to ask the right questions and focus on the the key components of the product validation process that transforms an idea

Join 2-Hour Free Workshop and learn how to write your Inner-Leadership Manual
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